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Nous téléphoner

0 825 300 230


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Nous téléphoner

0 825 300 230



Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2013-07-29

Virus description added:

Technical Information

To ensure autorun and distribution:
Creates the following services:
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\udh] 'Start' = '00000001'
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\uudh] 'Start' = '00000002'
Malicious functions:
Executes the following:
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\uudh" /v failureactions /t reg_binary /d 00000000000000000000000003000000140000000100000060ea00000100000060ea00000100000060ea0000 /f
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\uudh\parameters" /v servicedll /t reg_expand_sz /d "<SYSTEM32>\udh.dll" /f
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' add "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\svchost" /v uudh /t reg_multi_sz /d "uudh\0" /f
  • '<SYSTEM32>\svchost.exe' -k uudh
  • '<SYSTEM32>\sc.exe' start uudh
  • '<SYSTEM32>\cmd.exe' /c "%TEMP%\\udh.bat"
  • '<SYSTEM32>\rundll32.exe' "<SYSTEM32>\udh.dll",ServiceMain /install
  • '<SYSTEM32>\netsh.exe' firewall add allowedprogram name="udh" program="<SYSTEM32>\svchost.exe" mode=enable
  • '<SYSTEM32>\sc.exe' create "uudh" type= interact type= share start= auto binpath= "<SYSTEM32>\svchost.exe -k uudh"
  • '<SYSTEM32>\netsh.exe' firewall add portopening tcp 8087 udh enable
Modifies file system :
Creates the following files:
  • %TEMP%\udh.bat
  • <SYSTEM32>\udh.dll
  • <DRIVERS>\udh.sys
Network activity:
Connects to:
  • 'localhost':8087
  • '85.##.236.156':80
  • 'localhost':8085
  • 'localhost':8086