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Added to the Dr.Web virus database:
Virus description added:
Technical Information
To ensure autorun and distribution:
Creates or modifies the following files:
Malicious functions:
Launches itself as a daemon
Manages services:
['systemctl', 'daemon-reload']
Launches processes:
grep Port
tee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig
/usr/bin/mawk awk {print \x22-\x22$2}
ps aux
/bin/sh /usr/bin/which update-rc.d
head -n 1
chattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr
mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly
/tmp/-bash-759ef392-24ed-47e3-bfe1-6fcb949aae9d -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn
/tmp/-bash-759ef392-24ed-47e3-bfe1-6fcb949aae9d -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d
chmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr
/usr/bin/mawk awk {print $1}
chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr
hostname -I
ps x
/usr/bin/mawk awk {if($3>30.0) print $2}
/tmp/d4ac9d51-d15d-4701-b864-e829951982b1 kworker/R-debug
wc -l
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
/bin/sh /usr/bin/which chkconfig
/usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f pwnrig disable
cp -f -r -- /tmp/-bash-759ef392-24ed-47e3-bfe1-6fcb949aae9d /bin/bprofr
/usr/bin/mawk awk /[zZ]/ && !a[$2]++ {print $2}
grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
ps -A -ostat,ppid
id -u
ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk \x27/[zZ]/ && !a[$2]++ {print $2}\x27 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 $procid 2>/dev/null; done;if `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq \x270\x27 ; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 $procid 2>/dev/null; done fi
grep /etc/cron
sed -i /bprofr/d ~/.bash_profile
sed -e s/^ *//
chattr -i -a /bin/bprofr ~/.bash_profile
cp -f -r -- /tmp/-bash-759ef392-24ed-47e3-bfe1-6fcb949aae9d /bin/crondr
rm -rf /bin/crondr
grep -v grep
rm -rf /bin/bprofr
cut -d: -f2
grep -v -- -bash[[:space:]]*$
grep -- -bash[[:space:]]*$
chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/pwnrig /bin/crondr
sed -i 1 s/-e // /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig
grep -m 1 model name /proc/cpuinfo
sed -e s/$//
grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd
chattr +i +a /bin/bprofr ~/.bash_profile
/usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f pwnrig remove
Performs operations with the file system:
Modifies file access rights:
Modifies file owner:
Creates or modifies files:
Locks files:
Network activity:
Awaits incoming connections on ports:
Establishes connection:
Sends data to the following servers:
Collects OS information
Collects CPU information
Collects RAM information
Collects information about network activity
Recommandations pour le traitement
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Pour 1 mois (sans enregistrement) ou 3 mois (avec enregistrement et remise pour le renouvellement)
Téléchargez Dr.Web pour Android
Gratuit pour 3 mois
Tous les composants de protection
Renouvellement de la démo via AppGallery/Google Pay
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