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Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2020-09-07

Virus description added:

Compilation date:

  • 31.03.2020 02:57:57 (main dropper migwiz.exe)

SHA1 hashes:

  • c36aabe2828b84a1221a8855b984187b89c24b44 (first-stage dropper in the form of the SFX RAR archive dlhost.exe)
  • 632f6737f5308b49cc198fea88338a3403732274 (main dropper migwiz.exe)


A trojan dropper designed to spread and install other malicious applications onto the targeted computers. The malware is written in C and supports 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems. The analyzed sample was used to spread the BackDoor.Whitebird.23 trojan.

Operating routine

The sample in question was distributed inside the SFX RAR archive containing the following files:

  • migwiz.exe – the main dropper
  • migwiz3.DAT – an encrypted shellcode with the payload for 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems
  • migwiz6.DAT – an encrypted shellcode with the payload for 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems

Main dropper migwiz.exe

Upon launching, it enables the following system privileges for its own process:

  • SeDebugPrivilege
  • SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
  • SeBackupPrivilege
  • SeRestorePrivilege

Next, depending on the bitness of the operating system, it reads the migwiz3.DAT or migwiz6.DAT file located in the same directory from where the trojan was launched. If it has administrator rights, it saves the contents of the corresponding file into the [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MigWlz\Options] registry key with the Setup value. If it doesn’t have appropriate rights, it saves the file contents into [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MigWlz\Options] registry key with the Setup value.

These keys store the payload that the trojan will extract and launch later (see the “The payload” section below).

If the dropper was launched with administrator rights, it sets an autorun option for the IKEEXT service. It then checks if the %WINDIR%\System32\wlbsctrl.dll file exists. If the file exists, the trojan fills it with random data, deletes the file and replaces it with the new one, which is encrypted and packed through the RtlCompressBuffer and stored in its body. To decrypt the file, it uses the following script:

def decrypt(data):
    a = b = c = d = struct.unpack('<I', data[:4])[0]
    s = bytearray()
    for i in range(len(data)):
        a = (a + (a >> 3) - 0x3C6312B6) & 0xffffffff
        b = (b + (b >> 5) - 0x62B652F6) & 0xffffffff
        c = (c + 0x6251F3E2 - (c << 9)) & 0xffffffff
        d = (d + (0xCD56823E - (d << 7))) & 0xffffffff
        s.append(data[i] ^ ((a + b + c + d) & 0xff))
    return s

With that, the trojan writes a large block of the random data into the end of the extracted file. This block starts with the 0xcc90 signature and has the size of 0x8FF1B6 bytes for the 64-bit library and the size of 0x8FF437 bytes for the 32-bit library.

The trojan sets the same date of creation, access and modification for the extracted library as the %WINDIR%\System32\rundll32.exe system file has. After that, it launches the IKEEXT service, which loads the malicious library into the memory.

If the trojan was launched without administrator rights, it checks if the %ProgramData%\migwiz directory exists. If it exists, the trojan fills every file in it with the random data and deletes these files. Next, it deletes the directory itself.

After that, the trojan recreates this directory and places the migwiz.exe and migwiz.dll files, which it extracts from its body, into this catalogue. Herewith, the library migwiz.dll represents the same library that is saved into the %WINDIR%\System32\wlbsctrl.dll directory if the trojan has the appropriate administrative rights.

The trojan then adds the migwiz.exe file to the autorun list, creating the [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run] registry key with the migwiz parameter.

For the migwiz.exe and migwiz.dll files, as well as for the directory where they are located, the trojan sets the same date of creation, access and modification as the rundll32.exe system file has. It then launches the migwiz.exe file.

migwiz.exe loader

Searches for the dll libraries that are located in the same directory with it and loads them into the memory.

migwiz.dll loader

Uses the mutex to ensure only one copy of the trojan is running at the same time. If the trojan is launched as a service, the mutex has the Global/Configer name. In other cases, the mutex has the LocalConfiger name.

Depending on how the trojan is launched, the loader reads the payload from the [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MigWlz\Options] 'Setup' or [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MigWlz\Options] 'Setup' registry keys.

If the reading was successful, the payload is decrypted with the XOR operation and the 0x90.

Next, if the trojan was launched as a service, it injects the payload into the running explorer.exe process. Otherwise, it injects the payload into its own process.

The payload

The payload is stored in the Windows registry, where it is placed at the initial stage of infection after it was read from the migwiz3.DAT and migwiz6.DAT files. It contains the shellcode that obtains the addresses of the minimum number of functions required by the trojan and loads it from its own body as an MZPE file. This file represents a dll library detected by Dr.Web as BackDoor.Whitebird.23.

Recommandations pour le traitement

  1. Si le système d'exploitation peut être démarré (en mode normal ou en mode sans échec), téléchargez Dr.Web Security Space et lancez un scan complet de votre ordinateur et de tous les supports amovibles que vous utilisez. En savoir plus sur Dr.Web Security Space.
  2. Si le démarrage du système d'exploitation est impossible, veuillez modifier les paramètres du BIOS de votre ordinateur pour démarrer votre ordinateur via CD/DVD ou clé USB. Téléchargez l'image du disque de secours de restauration du système Dr.Web® LiveDisk ou l'utilitaire pour enregistrer Dr.Web® LiveDisk sur une clé USB, puis préparez la clé USB appropriée. Démarrez l'ordinateur à l'aide de cette clé et lancez le scan complet et le traitement des menaces détectées.

Veuillez lancer le scan complet du système à l'aide de Dr.Web Antivirus pour Mac OS.

Veuillez lancer le scan complet de toutes les partitions du disque à l'aide de Dr.Web Antivirus pour Linux.

  1. Si votre appareil mobile fonctionne correctement, veuillez télécharger et installer sur votre appareil mobile Dr.Web pour Android. Lancez un scan complet et suivez les recommandations sur la neutralisation des menaces détectées.
  2. Si l'appareil mobile est bloqué par le Trojan de la famille Android.Locker (un message sur la violation grave de la loi ou la demande d'une rançon est affiché sur l'écran de l'appareil mobile), procédez comme suit:
    • démarrez votre Smartphone ou votre tablette en mode sans échec (si vous ne savez pas comment faire, consultez la documentation de l'appareil mobile ou contactez le fabricant) ;
    • puis téléchargez et installez sur votre appareil mobile Dr.Web pour Android et lancez un scan complet puis suivez les recommandations sur la neutralisation des menaces détectées ;
    • Débranchez votre appareil et rebranchez-le.

En savoir plus sur Dr.Web pour Android