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Nous téléphoner

0 825 300 230


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Nous téléphoner

0 825 300 230



Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2017-11-13

Virus description added:


  • SHA1 loader stage 1
  • b974346e2b3a32720d4a214ca2b18a0032867f12
  • SHA1 loader.dll x32 stage 2
  • 1c8e47942eb0bdd32fe2883dee5953de6e06b9b8
  • SHA1 loader.dll x64 stage 2
  • 1a3bceab8c90779fd06760a037a347d21849fe3b


  • vnc.dll x32
  • 016380ad20f90f73452445ed98a6dff61b0c85cd
  • vnc.dll x64
  • c438001acfdb892c51c803655807c74008f69fc6
  • socks.dll x32
  • b62d2ed65fff0a703697119180b1d2795e39b2ee
  • socks.dll x64
  • 3043a90a3c241af9abc06f9970a01522b43f7195
  • rt.dll x32
  • f6760c7e5d0ba32faf63c80b54eac8b689fd1722
  • rt.dll x64
  • 6ac9b097615fa5e87cf1907311aec20add396dcf
  • netwrk.dll x32
  • 495cceb288e0448752951ab3204e537ce93e0384
  • netwrk.dll x64
  • eeb711d28ecd700ef3e09d4a939dccadc693764f
  • microsoftedgecp.dll x32
  • 5744368c2c0698d5fc1fae6a2727ade044536d08
  • microsoftedgecp.dll x64
  • 67913bbbdfbe1a23c2431b547e4c9053021860e3
  • mail.dll x32
  • f09a7a74425aa13fc0983de1e01e09e5b37dd619
  • mail.dll x64
  • 65eb56f226d30fee4dd1ff959b240d51d2c11b28
  • keylog.dll x32
  • 876a6e4fae43fcb56136ba0c92670869f292266b
  • keylog.dll x64
  • 00eb9b1f5cd1224cc8b702ae1046ed776960c185
  • iexplore.dll x32
  • 2162e531aaa9f619614268d89b34d46e6180d37a
  • iexplore.dll x64
  • c2b48a41224624be5cc0e7d2b6ae8b9cb96cf047
  • firefox.dll x32
  • 912388017d805b758ea29bcad8bf009d85822c72
  • firefox.dll x64
  • f0812d9899fa5b2e76a4bb00e95abaeae260804a
  • explorer.dll x32
  • 2e14d58151660e70cd436d0f47ef61be10ee9209
  • explorer.dll x64
  • b7e5955dc9373425edb49017f26d3e269eb417e9
  • chrome.dll x32
  • 2fa8fd2f66ecf4f7db886eb1d765aa76e9b64aac
  • chrome.dll x64
  • 2b5e45bb3fa8bb7e22b4cb02897c14966c389bff
  • browsers.dll x32
  • 3f3732f6d3f8ad9db2dc227aab237bdaea982902
  • browsers.dll x64
  • e3e6081df357e9d55873c91d00e693fb515e24cd
  • bl.dll x32
  • ea9350ce1fe2ecd1776424ce5aa72f5fbb48448c
  • bl.dll x64
  • f8a783a3438f7d73d966d885846f874f7382d298

A banking Trojan for 32- and 64-bit Windows versions. Its executable file contains an encrypted container which stores a loader and an initial configuration. From the PE file, the Trojan reads Security Data Directory, which stores information on configuration of modules:

struct cfginfo_t
    DWORD size; //configuration size
    WORD magic; //0x334A
    WORD unk1;

Then the blocks themselves follow:

struct cfgblock_t
    DWORD idname; //name of the plugin ^ key
    DWORD size; //size of the plugin ^ key
    DWORD key; //the key used to encrypt with XOR every field of this structure
    DWORD rva; //rva of the data ^ key

The number of blocks is calculated according to the following formula:


The result of decryption is a public key in the polarssl format, which looks the following way in the PEM format:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

The previous Gozi version left unused strings in the basic configuration of the Trojan.

To connect to a remote server, the Trojan requires its address, a server key, group name and a public key, and also two files of the library LOADER.dll x32/x64. Requests are encrypted using the serpent+base64 algorithms with additional substitution of some characters; server responses are encrypted using the RSA + serpent algorithms and compressed with aplib.

Then the loader.dll library is loaded; the data is sent to the command and control server using the POST requests. The payload is sent in the format multipart/form-data:

POST /index.html HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=b8bf4e8dfe2ca714
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
Content-Length: 309
Host: 185.***.***.19

--b8bf4e8dfe2ca714 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="bjdu" jR5u5cY2EI3FkzX/y1l2gdYYjDvqNnMdEva1W_/2BcENsVuze9Zb6mc/f9rkXZw1X/fXyeq8bAJpYM/0sthsZwlgF7yG3t3V/Vcxct0rTybjIqETZg94C/Kdk9NGIv0up_2FSQzWu5Au3/oYrMIKkqEXD_2Fa8a0JF_/2B63vuyz/zbp7ODpeVvi/5o2C_2F4VY/7C_2BX6DzWW/FeNdnBVU/S --b8bf4e8dfe2ca714--

The following fields are indicated in User-Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) 
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 
OS version                 6.00
Subsystem version          1.00

Creators of the Trojan embedded a restriction which allows the malicious program to operate with ntdll.dll, the value of the “OS version” field in the PE header must be >=6, i.e. with Microsoft Windows 7 and its later versions.

Requests are encrypted and have the following parameters:

{'uptime': '1497', 'group': '1201117', 'type': '0', 'crc': '00000000', 'arc': '0', 'version': '300499', 'user': '137dfe28b759ae0de8853ec3503d35e9', 'soft': '2', 'id': '8576b0d0'}

where id is the value CRC-32/JAMCRC(plugname.upper()) of the plugin name in uppercase. Response packets are also encrypted, and, for some types of requests, they are compressed using aplib.

The loader downloads the following basic modules:

bl.dll 0x8576b0d0
explorer.dll 0x224c6c42
netwrk.dll 0x45a0fcd0
rt.dll 0xd6306e08
baseconfig 0xd722afcb

The baseconfig module stores the basic configuration, which contains addresses of the additional command and control servers and a master key for the connection to the server.

Other modules have the following functions:

  • explorer.dll—the main module of the Trojan. It loads and executes the rest of the components using the basic plugins (bl.dll, rt.dll, netwrk.dll);
  • bl.dll—performing of web injections, various types of interactions with named Windows pipes, execution of files from the memory, encryption;
  • rt.dll—interaction with the Windows system registry, with files, operations with strings;
  • netwrk.dll—functions of operation with the network.

The module explorer.dll executes several task types:

  • Check for any updates for the Trojan;
  • Download from a remote server plugins for browsers used for web injections;
  • Download web-injection configurations from a remote server;
  • Obtain personal tasks, including those requiring the download of additional plugins;
  • Remote computer administration.

In order to perform web injections, the Trojan uses its own configurable plugin:

  • browsers.dll 0xe6954637
  • iexplore.dll 0x5f92dac2
  • firefox.dll 0x309d98ff
  • microsoftedgecp.dll 0x7f23179c
  • chrome.dll 0x9eff4536

The configuration data for execution of web injections are packed in a ZIP file and compressed with aplib:


News about the Trojan

Recommandations pour le traitement

  1. Si le système d'exploitation peut être démarré (en mode normal ou en mode sans échec), téléchargez Dr.Web Security Space et lancez un scan complet de votre ordinateur et de tous les supports amovibles que vous utilisez. En savoir plus sur Dr.Web Security Space.
  2. Si le démarrage du système d'exploitation est impossible, veuillez modifier les paramètres du BIOS de votre ordinateur pour démarrer votre ordinateur via CD/DVD ou clé USB. Téléchargez l'image du disque de secours de restauration du système Dr.Web® LiveDisk ou l'utilitaire pour enregistrer Dr.Web® LiveDisk sur une clé USB, puis préparez la clé USB appropriée. Démarrez l'ordinateur à l'aide de cette clé et lancez le scan complet et le traitement des menaces détectées.

Veuillez lancer le scan complet du système à l'aide de Dr.Web Antivirus pour Mac OS.

Veuillez lancer le scan complet de toutes les partitions du disque à l'aide de Dr.Web Antivirus pour Linux.

  1. Si votre appareil mobile fonctionne correctement, veuillez télécharger et installer sur votre appareil mobile Dr.Web pour Android. Lancez un scan complet et suivez les recommandations sur la neutralisation des menaces détectées.
  2. Si l'appareil mobile est bloqué par le Trojan de la famille Android.Locker (un message sur la violation grave de la loi ou la demande d'une rançon est affiché sur l'écran de l'appareil mobile), procédez comme suit:
    • démarrez votre Smartphone ou votre tablette en mode sans échec (si vous ne savez pas comment faire, consultez la documentation de l'appareil mobile ou contactez le fabricant) ;
    • puis téléchargez et installez sur votre appareil mobile Dr.Web pour Android et lancez un scan complet puis suivez les recommandations sur la neutralisation des menaces détectées ;
    • Débranchez votre appareil et rebranchez-le.

En savoir plus sur Dr.Web pour Android